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Let’s discover Rotaract Mediterranean partners !

Rotary Inter-Country Committees

Mediterranean Peace Initiative Conference

The Rotaract Mediterranean MDIO and the Rotary Inter-Country Committees “Mediterranean Peace Initiative” purpose aims to build bridges between the communities around the Mediterranean region and facilitate the basic and common denominator of sustainable PEACE in the region.

Rotary and Rotaract, by their international structure, communication network and membership profile can fulfill and effective role to facilitate mutual understanding and preparing the basic environment for peace, by gathering people of different nationalities, different religions, different races, and diversified cultures, speaking different languages.
Rotary ICCs and Rotaract clubs in the Mediterranean region as well as the other ICCs and Rotaract clubs that have interests in the eegion, can accomplish Rotary’s peace mission thanks to 3 strong assets of our Organization:
1. Our international network
2. Our capable and experienced organizational structure focused on seven strategic areas aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals
3. Our active, diversified and intellectual membership dedicated and committed to improve living conditions of people and to facilitate peace



The major event of the e-Medicon was the 8th Mediterranean Peace Forum. To celebrate 75 years of UNESCO which has historically partnered with Rotary International, we collaborated with the UNESCO Mediterranean Office Valencia as well as Rotary Representatives at UNESCO.

The three key speakers emphasized the importance of peace-building and creating a long-term impact through collective efforts and engaging entire communities to effectively achieve the goals and results we aim for.